Make Your Own Halloween Bunting

With Halloween just around the corner, it’s time to get your creative hat on and spook up your home. There are so many great ways in which you can create a really effective, creative Halloween look for your home and we’ve got some great ideas to get you started! Bunting is a decoration that works … [Read more…]
Autumn Crafts & Recipes For All the Family

Autumn Crafts & Recipes for all the family – ideas to inspire you. I love autumn and as I have stated many, many times on my blog it is my favourite season. I love the colours associated with it all around me in the trees and landscapes, the conkers and acorns that fall from the … [Read more…]
Jucee Drinks : Taste The Fun
I was recently sent a selection of Jucee products, some fresh fruit and some crafty items and was set the challenge to have some Jucee fun at home with my boys, and devise some craft and recipe ideas. Although I am familiar with the brand, I had no idea quite how vast their range of … [Read more…]
Awesome Lego Activities
As a family, we kind of stumbled into LEGO last summer when we downloaded the Lego Movie to watch one day, and then at Burton’s birthday party last July he received so many Lego sets from his (generous) friends that he had no choice but to start building.