1. Your gingerbread sounds great, I like the idea of the coconut milk. It will make a great treat for 5th November, like you said. I’ve linked my first bake. I hope I’ll be able to do the other two, but I have to see how much time I have.
    Well done to Shell and her husband. Their blancmange looks very nice.

  2. I love the sound of your sticky gingerbread Jenny and the coconut twist sounds delicious.
    I feel a bit like an impostor as I haven’t been really following GBBO this year and my spice bake is quite coincidental even if containing a lot of cinnamon 😉 I hope it’s ok? x

  3. Gosh your amazing sticky gingerbread has really got me feeling autumnal and looking forward to bonfire night! I’ve struggled with deciding what to bake this week but i’ve eventually got around to it today so hopefully will link up soon. x

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