1. I’m definitely going to try this as it’s a great way to have a bread (scone like or otherwise) for breakfast – might have to experiment with flavours!

  2. It looks totally delicious! I’ve heard of it before but always wondered if it really works. Wonder what chocolate ice cream would make?

  3. Oh yum, your ice cream bread looks fantastic. How have I never come across this magical ice cream bread before? Looks like it would make delicious French toast or go really well with bacon for an extra special breakfast treat.

  4. Wow, this is something I have never even heard of before! Love hearing about new recipes so thanks for sharing! x

  5. Jen @ Jen's Food

    I’ve not come across ice cream bread before. It looks a quick way to make a simple base for a pudding. Thanks for sharing with #BreadySteadyGo 🙂

  6. Wow what a great idea – I’d never have thought of adding ice cream to bread! I’ve linked up an old post this week, must get my bake on for next week.

  7. What a gorgeous sounding recipe! Two of my favourites – ice cream and bread – Yum. I have cut it a bit fine this week but have added my bread recipe to the linky – thanks so much for the challenge 🙂

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