1. This looks absolutely delicious and such a simple meal! I sometimes make my own barbecue sauce and then cook chicken or pork with it in the slow cooker but I also sometimes take the easy option and use a bottle of sauce like this. I haven’t tried the Newman’s sauce but will have to look out for it. My kids would love this meal too! Thanks for sharing with #CookOnceEatTwice x

  2. Mini bagels as buns, I LOVE this!!! I think I’m gonna have to change my shopping list today, I need these in my life right now! xo

  3. There is something so tempting about pulled meat…. The pulling does something to the texture which is extra yummy and I am a sucker for anything BBQ flavoured and anything that requires so little effort. I have never quite worked out why they are called ‘sliders’ though!

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