1. It looks beautiful. I’ve never cooked a whole piece of ham before but my mum often does it.I love using my slow cooker so I really should give it a go.

  2. Mr Gary S Cooper

    Made it last night/today. Couldn’t find the same crabbies so used a bottle of mixed fruit and a bottle of normal crabbies. Got two litres of stock for gravy and an amazing dinner! Thank you so much. Id post my photo here but can’t!

  3. […] You can of course add flavour to your gammon joint very easily. For example, you can add any of the following to slow cook the gammon in if you wish, I have used these before and cola and ginger ale are my favourite:   cola, ginger ale, cider    By adding these liquids, you are able to add a touch of sweetness (cola) or heat (ginger ale) to your meat. You only need to  add enough liquid to fill the slow cooker half way, once your gammon is sat inside it.  if you are able , it is helpful to turn over the ham half way through cooking. However, this is not essential as the gammon will slow cook just fine on one side and will soak up the flavours perfectly well.    I have even cooked a piece in some Crabbies Raspberry & Ginger Beer! You can find the recipe here  […]

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