1. bavariansojourn

    What a fantastic set of activities to celebrate a brilliant book – is it really 25 years old?? Love the pictures too! The bear bread, and the cake look truly delicious! 🙂

  2. Oh I love this post so much – you should make it into an iBook! I was going to ask you where you got the bunting but presume it’s part of the pack. Thanks for linking up with such a gorgeous post.

  3. Using a story is such a great way of inspiring creative and imaginative play! It looks like you all had a fun filled day on the bear hunt. I love the tea party food – especially the bear bread. Thanks for linking up and sharing your lovely photos with Country Kids.

  4. What a lovely post. For us it was Room on The Broom, I can still remember all the words! We do love a bear hunt to and it would be our forest walk song when my daughter was younger.

  5. This is one of our favourite books to. What fab activities.

    I agree, it’s so magical when suddenly they can read these old favourites all by themselves.

  6. What a wonderful day of activities and fun. You should definitely pop over and link up to Damson Lane and the #kidsbookaweek linky with this lovely post xx

  7. Brilliant! I have often used the words from we’re going on a bear hunt to encourage the girls on a long walk. It’s amazing how suddenly some squelching and squerching wakes up tired legs and we often make up our own too – even though mine are getting a bit old for it now! Still loving the bear bread!

  8. I love this book! Your boys look like they love it too. Thanks so much for sharing at the Outdoor Play Party. Hope to see you there again from tomorrow 🙂

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