1. I think your donuts look great despite not being quite as you planned them. I think I’ve finally learnt this year to embrace it when things don’t go to plan and just go with the flow and improvise as necessary. And most of all just enjoy the process of baking no matter how the end result turns out. I might be eating my words if all goes pear shaped when i attempt my final bake this week. I’ve really enjoyed taking part- thank you for all your hard work hosting the linky xxx

  2. Thank you for choosing us again, it really does make Ant happy when he wins star baker!
    Thank you for hosting the linky again as well, we really look forward to taking part 🙂 xx

  3. These look great. I tried baking but without a pan like yours they looked more like bagels so I took the risk of frying but my they were good. Thanks for hosting every week, I have loved baking along x

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