1. joskitchenlarder

    I will choose chocolate over fruit cake any time. Your Rudolph looks wonderful and love the idea of hidden red noses. Perfect festive bake! x

  2. This is such a cute cake, I can’t imagine how long it took you to make it but it must have been fun to do! Thank you for bringing it to #CookBlogShare:)

  3. What a fun looking cake and such a great idea to add the red noses inside the cake! Children would love the look of the cake and surely everyone loves a chocolate cake!

  4. John Malcon

    Hello, Jenny!
    Thank you for the perfect recipe! I sent to my wife a link on your blog!

  5. Love, love, love this Jenny. It’s a super cute cake and the hidden red noses inside are very clever. Thanks for sharing with #WeShouldCocoa (although I couldn’t spot the link in your post?) and I wish you a very Happy New Year.

Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, a virtual cup of tea and slice of cake awaits you x

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