1. Ooh this looks so gorgeous! I bet he was just over the moon – the look on his face certainly suggest so. Brilliant. Thanks for joining in with #CookBlogShare this week x

  2. This is hands down the greatest, most beautiful birthday cake I’ve ever seen and most of all it brought back the happiest memories of me with all my childhood favourite toppings. You are a genius! Thanks for linking up to #Tastytuesdays

    • Thank you for such an amazing comment! I know what you mean about childhood memories – it really is a cake that sums that up for me too X

  3. Working Mum Blog

    This looks amazing! I will have to make this for my birthday in May. If I can wait that long! #recipeoftheweek

  4. This looks amazing! Can i make one tonight? Even tho it’s not my birthday 🙂 popping over from #recipeoftheweek Cx

  5. hijackedbytwins

    WOW!!! This cake looks fantastic! Happy birthday Jenson, he certainly looks over the moon with his cake. Thank you for sharing with #CookBlogShare x

  6. […] recall that it was Jenson’s birthday last month and for his actual birthday he requested a cake which was rainbow inside and covered in sweets and biscuits on the outside. However, for his birthday party he really wanted a Paw Patrol cake and so I did what I was […]

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