1. This sounds delicious! One of my kids will eat soup (depending on their mood!) but the other one completely refuses. I’ll have to try daring next time I make some soup! Thanks so much for sharing with #CookOnceEatTwice x

  2. There was a time when the only soup my boys would eat was Heinz tomato. Thankfully they have well and truly grown out of that. This soup looks just perfect I could tuck into a bowl right now. Thank you for sharing on #CookBlogShare

  3. joskitchenlarder

    It sounds delicious Jenny. My boys love tomato soup which I make from my mum’s recipe which takes some time but this one is so quick and easy. I’m intrigued by the addition of apple but I suppose it adds a bit of acidity. One to try! 🙂 x

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