I have wanted to make a sweet pizza for some time now, but have never found the right opportunity to die it a go. However, in a bid to get my eldest to eat something – anything really – following him being poorly off school with a sickness bug, I thought I would attempt a dessert pizza made using flavours and food I know he enjoys (when he is not ill at least!).
Now to be honest, this is really a giant cookie but following on from some research I undertook on the internet, it appears that the dessert pizza takes on many guises and therefore the bases and the toppings can be as varied as you wish, and made from whatever takes your fancy really.
Take this healthy dessert pizza which uses a watermelon as a base – this would be perfect on a hot summers day as it would be so refreshing
This healthy no bake chocolate fruit pizza is also a fab one to make with your children
I like the look of this Peanut Butter Oreo topped pizza too, which uses a more traditional pizza base.
So as you can see, there is more to making a dessert pizza than meets the eye and therefore I decided to make mine using a chocolate smarties cookie base, because both boys love my easy to make homemade homemade Smarties cookies.
I topped my cookie base with a chocolate and cream cheese spread, and then I decorated it with sliced strawberries, mini marshmallows and a drizzle of white chocolate.
To make this Chocolate & Strawberry Mallow Smarties Cookie Pizza is very easy and is something that you and your children could make together. Here is the recipe:
- For The Base:
- 100g self raising flour
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp chocolate spread
- 1 tube of Smarties
- For the topping:
- 1 tbsp chocolate spread
- 1 tbsp cream cheese
- Handful of mini marshmallows
- 50g white chocolate, melted
- 6 strawberries (approx), sliced thinly
- hundreds and thousands
- handful or two of chocolate drops
- pre heat the oven to 160oC / 180oC (fan)
- line 1 x 9 inch round baking tray (I used the base of a loose bottomed cake tin)
- place the flour, eggs and chocolate spread in a large mixing bowl and give it a good mix (I used my free standing mixer) until it all combines and turns into a chocolatey mixture
- add the Smarties and mix again
- using your hands, take the mixture and place it on to your lined baking tray, and using your hands spread the mixture so that it fits onto all of the tray.
- bake in the oven for approx 10 minutes
- remove and leave to cool completely
- once cooled, carefully transfer to your serving plate
- mix the cream cheese and chocolate spread together and then spread over the top of the cookie
- add the sliced strawberries, the chocolate drops and the mini mallows
- place the melted white chocolate into a piping bag and then drizzle over the pizza
- add a few sprinkles
- chill in the fridge for at least one hour before serving
This made a nice and fun change to our usual cookies or cake for a treat after school, and it was very easy and quick to make. I will be adding this to my list of quick bakes to make whenever we have friends popping over, as I think it will be very popular with their children.
What is your favourite dessert pizza?
I have been compensated for this recipe creation
Your pizza looks amazing and thanks so much for sharing mine! x