1. What a great idea for colourful decoration! I am always totally intimidated by fondant and fancy decorating skills. I do love a god smartie, although for me they would all have to be range ones (the best smartie imo) πŸ˜‰ #BakeoftheWeek

  2. What a lucky friend, your cake is soooo eye catching – it’s absolutely beautiful Jenny and clearly worth the effort in sorting the coloured smarties and applying them to the frosting. And by the way, i really can’t see any faults in the lay out of the smarties πŸ™‚ #CookBlogShare
    Angela x

  3. Those who have kids should learn this recipe from you. I mean kids would love this chocolate cake, so beautiful and delicious. Thanks for sharing

  4. This looks gorgeous! Your cakes always look perfect for birthday parties, I love the pattern you’ve made with the smarties. #CookBlogShare

  5. hijackedbytwins

    Oooh Jenny this looks so pretty! So many Smarties and what patience you must have making sure the Smarties all follow the same pattern. Thank you for sharing with #CookBlogShare x

  6. Wow…. that’s really effective! It looks beautiful. Definitely worth every last fiddly bit of effort. What a great friend you are!
    Sadly we cannot eat actual Smarties (they contain wheat flour), and the alternative chocolate beans are just not as varied in colours and hues…. Darn!

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