Real-time Food Consumption in the UK

What are you eating or drinking right now as you read this?

Chances are, you are reading this while sipping a hot cuppa, or maybe, if it is in the evening, a glass of wine. Maybe you are having a snack, a biscuit, a slice of cake (I wish I was!!) or maybe you are eating your lunch or dinner while reading my blog.


Well as I sit here composing this article I am drinking a cup of tea and eating my SW friendly oat cakes.

To be honest I think about food a lot of the time. Being a Mummy, and a SAHM at that, it is my ‘job’ to decide what food we will be eating each day, and therefore my task to compile the shopping list each week, and devise a meal plan accordingly. As I am sure is the same as any parent who is in charge of cooking the family meals, thinking of what we will eat does take some planning and time, and thought space in my head!!

As a food blogger, I am always on the lookout for interesting food recipe posts to inspire me, and I regulary search the internet for ideas. I am signed up to a food magazine which I love to read each month and, well, I just enjoy thinking of aswell as eating food really!!!

I am even one of those nosey parkers who enjoys seeing what other people are eating via my social media channels.  I think it is just interesting to know what other people enjoy eating and to provide me with some meal ideas, and to learn if other people’s children are as fussy as mine!! To be able to discover what people in Great Britain enjoy eating and drinking in real time, is a dream come true for a food voyeur like myself!!

Food plays such a big part in all of our lives so it is no surprise that for many of us, it is an enjoyable part of our day when meal or snack times arrive. Drinking and eating are also very sociable occasion: eating out with friends, eating in with family or enjoying a drink with your mates down the pub, or, like me, a cuppa and a biscuit, or a slice of cake, at home with my girl friends.

So what are your favourite foods and drinks?

Well, surprise surprise for me it has to be cakes and tea – my food pleasure of choice nowadays!!!  I am soooo rock and roll!realtimecakeFor my boys it would be baked beans, ice cream and yogurt for Jenson and Burton would choose marmite sandwiches, yogurts and grapes. Their Daddy would probably choose bacon sandwiches, cheese and cider!!

OK so enough food talk, I am off to pop the kettle on again and maybe sniff the biscuit tin (well that is synn free!!).

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