Last month saw Sport Relief and unless you have been living under a rock in the blogging world you will have seen all the fantastic work that was done by the fantastic Team Honk in transporting a baton from Lands End all the way to John O’Groats. Oh and that is not all as these bloggers (including myself) have all done something special like dress up as super heroes, swim in a river, ride a children’s ride on across a beach, cycle, run along the North Cornwall/North Devon coastal path in stormy wet and windy weather and so much more. You can read all about the Team Honk Relay and who has done what to raise money here
Another way to raise money for Sport Relief of course is to hold a bake sale and some of you may have watched the Sport Relief Bake Off on BBC 2 earlier in the year, and seen some of the brilliant, aswell as darn right hilarious, baking efforts of the contestants
This gave me and some of the bake off bloggers from last year’s GBBO linky, the idea (even if I am a few weeks late in announcing this – apologies but real life has been very hectic since the new year) of hosting a Team Honk Great Bloggers Bake Off (THGBBO). The idea is to post a recipe, or more than one if you so wish, and link up to the blog hop and please add the badge below, and I am asking everyone who links up to please donate a minimum of £2 to the Team Honk fundraising page afterall this is about raising money for Sport Relief aswell as to show off our baking (or lack off) skills. There may also be an e-book made of the best and possibly worse (in a good natured funny way of course!) bakes later in the year to raise more money, so your baking efforts may even be published!!
It really does not matter if you are a good or bad cook the main thing is to join in and have some fun and raise some money. It could be as simple as fairy cakes with glace cherry red noses on top, maybe cherry scones, or you could go all out and create a show stopper of a cake with a sporting theme like this amazing cake by Tanya
The linky is open from today until Monday 28th April allowing you plenty of time to get baking. Including myself as I have not decided what I will be baking!
And don’t forget, if you do actually hold a bake sale for Sport Relief you can download some official documentation and order yourself an apron here.
After the closing date, there will be prizes for the funniest and most show stopping bakes (2 winners in total) and they will be chosen by a mysterious and yet-to-be-confirmed- celebrity – more details to follow when I know more myself. BUT it is pretty epic and honkworthy 🙂
**** I can announce that the celebritity judge of the Team Honk Bake Off will be
Emma Freud
wooooo hoooooo – so what are you waiting for???
The rules are very simple:
- bake something with a Sport Relief/Sporty/Team Honk Relay/ Red Nose theme – it can be as OTT as you wish or it can be very modest. It can be funny or serious and even if it all goes wrong, blog about it anyway because it could be chosen for being the funniest
- the bake must be made by you or your children, no bought cakes please
- please add the special Great Bloggers Team Honk Badge to your post
- please add a link to my blog so people know who is hosting it
- please add the blog hop code
- you must donate at least £2 to the Team Honk fundraising page which is here and you must leave your blog URL so we can check that you have donated
- you are allowed to link up more than one recipe but that will mean more than one donation please
- please try and comment on a few other fellow bakers posts even if it is the two either side of yours on the blog hop

So what are you waiting for?
Get your aprons ready and on your marks, get set and baaaaaaaake!
Good luck 🙂
Brilliant idea, I’ll shall put my thinking cap on 🙂
Aha! Now this is something I can do, baking disasters are my speciality 🙂
Hmmmm, what to bake? Better get my thinking cap on xx
Awesome! Now to get my thinking cap on!
What a great idea!! Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with 🙂
All linked up 🙂 although they’re neither very funny or show stopping x
A Brilliant Idea Jenny. I’m in
Some fabulous cakes here – what a good bunch of bakers. Well done everyone:)
Team Honk 2015 For The Gallery | Mummy Mishaps
[…] can also still take part in the Team Honk Great Bloggers Bake Off which is running until 28th April and Emma Freud (Mrs Comic Relief herself) will be judging the […]
Team Honk Relay cake for Sport Relief | Mummy makes cakes
[…] Cupcakes for Sport Relief and The Team Honk Great Blogger’s Bake Off hosted by the lovely Jenny Paulin. Today I decided to have a go at making a celebration cake as the Team Honk relay baton recently […]
Swimming Pool Cake (#Team Honk Bake Off) | Mummy Mishaps
[…] I set the Team Honk Great Bloggers Bake Off Challenge back in February, I knew all along that there was only one type of cake I could make (even though it […]
I am so sorry for my lame entry but the kids has great fun making them, and we donated so that’s all that matters, right?
So many great entries…Good luck all, and thanks for hosting this 🙂
Phew! Made it in time!
Sporty cakes for team honk: How to decorate a Chess and Football cake | Actually Mummy...Actually Mummy…
[…] just have to trust me. So when Jenny laid down a challenge to create a sport themed cake for the Great Bloggers Bake Off for Team Honk, I didn’t resist for long before going into icing […]
April’s Celebration Cakes and Bakes | Mummy makes cakes
[…] chance to enter the Great Blogger’s Bake Off Team Honk linky which is being run by Jenny from so I finally got around to making a cake to celebrate the Team Honk Baton making it all the way […]
Easy red nose cupcakes | Mummy makes cakes
[…] are people getting involved, specifically supporting the awesome efforts of Team Honk. And so the Team Honk Great Bloggers Bake Off has been launched by the lovely Jenny […]