• thanks Helen – it was thanks to you and Helen Hollywood that i gave it one last shot this morning!!! luckily my mousse and chocolate makes them look better !! x

  1. Oh my goodness these look AMAZING Jenny. Bailey’s, Malteasers and white chocolate are like three of my favourite things so I bet I would adore these. You should open a cake shop. In my house. 😉 x

  2. Right what I might do here is buy some unfilled profiteroles from Costco and make that mousse instead. I so don’t have the time or patience to make the buns themselves, but the whole thing looks awesome. I love your Maltesers’ creations!

  3. Wow these look like wonderful melt in mouth creamy delights. I adore choux pastry but not brave enough to try it myself I don’t think! Thanks for linking up to #tastytuesdays x

  4. I make yorkshire puddings instead of chox buns because they are easier! You got me on the baileys and malteezers – will have to have a try x

  5. They look pretty amazing to me! Can I ask how on earth you manage to post them so quickly after the show – presumably you must bake in advance once the show theme is announced?

  6. I salute your dedication, I could not have stuck it out as many times as you did. That topping looks absolutely delicious too. *drifts off in a sweet choux daze*

  7. I love the sound of that mousse. How weird that chocolate profiteroles don’t work. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen them anywhere. I suppose the lack of gluten in the cocoa?

  8. Oh boo I haven’t got round to making anything this week ;( I will try to make something before the deadline tonight!

    Your buns look amazing *giggle*

    Pinned and Stumbled. Thanks so much for linking up with #recipeoftheweek. There’s a new linky live now for this week. Please do pop over and join in 😀

  9. These look all kinds of yum! I really want to have another go at choux pastry so I will give these a go.

    Thanks for linking up to #recipeoftheweek. I’ve Pinned and Stumbled this post, and there’s a new #recipeoftheweek linky just gone live. I’d love you to pop over and join in again with another fab recipe post 🙂

  10. abi

    Hi, these look fab! I’ve never made choux before but defo gonna give these a go! Quick question but how many eggs do you need to add to the pastry mixture? Is it whole eggs or just the yolk?
    Thank you

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