1. Chloe Brewer

    What a lovely week (minuse the injury and hospital visit!) lovely pics hun x

  2. RichmondMummy

    Poor Jenson! Hope all is well now – sounds like you had a lovely Easter too x

  3. fromfuntomum

    wow, what a fantastic week! it is so nice that you have both sets of grandparents around to play with the kids! The Easter Egg Hunt with their cousins sounds really nice indeed. Happy Easter to all of you and may the chocolate lasts forever! x

  4. What a lovely week and so much outdoors despite the cold. I loved watching the videos, you have a very determined young man there! Thank you for sharing on Country Kids

  5. What a lovely week apart from the a and e visit.  The four day weekend has been amazing hasn’t it, we have eaten far too much chocolate here and it is not good for my pre- holiday diet.  I can’t wait to take Mads to the zoo, I am like a big kid at heart.  We have been to Woburn Safari Park but she was too little and slept all the way through.  I love your hair Jenny, it looks lovely and very shiny. x

  6. Susan Mann

    Love these posts. What a great week. Burton is certainly proud of his bracelet. The zoo looks a lot of fun. x

  7. Sounds like a lovely week (apart from the hospital visit!)

    Well done to Burton for getting the hang of the bike!  We’re getting C a bike for her birthday in June, I’m wishing I’d got her a balance bike before now though!

  8. I’ve had my days mixed up all week because of Easter and we also have a ridiculous amount of chocolate. Iylas granny bought her three even though we told her not to! Love your new hair 🙂 x

  9. SnugglebuttMini

    Looks like a wonderful week! Love your collages, what do you use to make them? x

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