1. Bavarian Sojourn

    Lovely pictures, sounds (and looks) like a very busy (but brilliant) week! Love the little tables in the woods! πŸ™‚

  2. Elaine Livingstone

    the one jumping of the slide is so typical behaviour of a boy. The picnic tables look fun

  3. Looks like you have had such a busy week again! Great photo’s. I too love that Gruffalo hat, it’s fab! I love the Grampy’s Digger photo the best I think though it is actually really hard to choose!

  4. Oh my word, look at how much you got out, I feel so ashamed of myself now! I love that ‘rah’ photo of Burton jumping and of Jenson being a patient.

    Thanks for linking up.

  5. innocentcharmer

    Great week again, your boys are getting more and more alike in their looks, I love the pic of the 2 of them together on the tree x

  6. Lauren_W

    Firstly, I’m totally jealous of the digger!

    They look so cute playing doctors.

    I do love seeing Burtons different expressions xx

  7. stressymummy

    Aw I love the Doctor Burton photo,that is really sweet! Another week of outdoor play I am very jealous of how much you manage to get outside

  8. Kate - An Everyday Story

    What a wonderfully playful week πŸ™‚ Your trip to Arlington Court sounds wonderful. And that little table and stools in the last picture is just beautiful. I think we would go there everyday, how lovely πŸ™‚

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