1. Lucy at Dear Beautiful Boy

    Oh yay!!!! I’m so glad he had a better week. In another few weeks he’ll be running through the door and not even looking back to say goodbye. So glad he played outside this week too. x

  2. Jennypaulin

    thanks Karen I will be happy when that day arrives i can tell you, Mondays have become heart wrenching recently. xx

  3. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Lucy I am pleased he played outside too – maybe we have reached a turning point? hmmm will see next monday xx

  4. Fromfuntomum

    OMG!!!!!! The video of Burton is the best thing I watched all day!!! yeah yeah yeah! (your Jon has a nice voice, btw) well done both of them for getting on with it and helping mummy not to make it another tragic monday! x

  5. Jennypaulin

    hee hee glad you like it – silly boy!! funnily enough Jon’s deep voice was one of the things which attracted me to him when we first met!! i forget that sometimes x

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