Baby Royale Blanket – A Review

A few weeks ago the lovely people from Hello Baby Direct offered me the chance to review a baby blanket – with a newborn on the way I jumped at the chance to take them up on their lovely offer.

Baby Royale Blankets are different to your average blanket because they are actually made from a mix of organic bamboo and organic cotton (70:30 ratio) which adds a touch of luxury to the feel of the material, aswell as a natural fibre based alternative to more conventional blankets available on the market. The manufacture of these gorgeous blankets are based on replicating traditional weaving techniques which makes the quality of them all the more superior.

The inclusion of organic bamboo is certainly very Eco friendly and bamboo contains some amazing ingredients which makes it ideal for use in a product for babies. Indeed bamboo is naturally hypo-allergenic and is kind to sensitive skin and does not aggravate skin conditions, such as eczema, or respiratory ailments such as asthma. It is also naturally anti-bacterial and because no pesticides or insecticides a used on this plant while it grows you can be rest assured these blankets are safe for your newborn baby.

The blankets are a good size measuring 90cm x 75cm and are available in three colours: white, blue and pink. They really do feel very soft to the touch and on his second day in this world I wrapped my new baby boy in the blanket, and have been using it ever since.

These blankets cost £35 each and are available to buy direct from the Baby Royale website or from the online nursery shop Hello Baby. I think these blankets offer excellent value for money and knowing that they have been made from a sustainable source, bamboo, and that the end product is 100% bio-degradable makes them an even better purchase.

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