Mental Health: Slight Signs You Need to Care More for Yourself

Have you ever wondered if the people around you, including you, could be a little sad, with too many problems or simply under self-esteem?

Many times it is not easy to recognize these states since people often have the ability to cover themselves with many layers that do not let them see what happens to them. It may be an art to behave as if nothing happens, even if they are in need of some help or some attention.

If you are a cheerful and energetic person, you may have realized once that you feel like doing very little, maybe even walking away from your loved ones or covering under an invisible shell in which you feel sad, thoughtful or uncomfortable. However, some of these signs are simply saying that you might need some help to overcome these moments.

In general, these types of signs have to do with mental health care. Often, we never think so, nevertheless, we can try some methods to get rid of these moments.

Let’s name some very common and very subtle signs of depression that will help you think that you should take care of your mental health since no one else can do it for you.

Changes in Appetite Behavior

You should pay attention to whether you feel like eating an elephant or, on the contrary, just thinking about food makes you sick or makes you feel uncomfortable.

For example, if you feel that you are eating too much, it may be that you are trying to self-medicate or you are trying to escape your reality through food. In contrast, lack of appetiteaccording to a medical studycan be caused by an increase in stress hormones in the brain.

Researchers advise looking for some kind of repair with mental health professionals since this type of symptoms are regularly linked to some issues, not only physical but mental health.

Forget More Frequently

Did you realize that you forget things or moments quickly? That your memory is not what it used to be? This may be a sign of depression, a warning that you should pay attention to.

According to research carried out in 2016, dysphoria is linked to both the “ability of memory to work with less intensity” and lethargy in the speed of information processing.

It may sound a bit frustrating, but don’t panic, it is a fairly common sign in people who suffer from depression and can often go unnoticed. You just have to consider it and consult with a health professional.

You do not enjoy your Surroundings

Another fairly common sign is feeling anhedonia. It refers to a demotivation to perform activities that are regular for us, but we lose desire.

An example of this is when we separate from a loved one; we feel fallen and do not want to do much or nothing at all. Also, if you are an athlete, a player from the college football rankings, etc., and suddenly the idea of ​​going out to exercise does not sound as convincing as before.

Basically, anhedonia refers to losing the ability to experience pleasure with activities that we normally like.

Less Sleep or Sleep More

Here we can talk about being sleepy all the time, and not having enough to rest our body and mind (insomnia),  a good quality mattress, by the way, can help get your body the much-needed rest it requires. After all, feeling sleep all the time is a strong signal that your mental health needs more care

Therefore, if your regular sleep hours are altered, keep that in mind.


Perhaps you want to stay longer at home or simply, once you have completed your daily activities such as work and other commitments, you feel like recruiting into yourself and move away from your friends or family.

This happens many times because we feel or fear others do not understand us, or simply feel afraid to show your true self. But the reality is different; feeling surrounded by people and expanding your social connections can help you return to the “right path“.


Many times you may not fall into a significant depression, but dealing with the most uncomfortable and painful moments, when you do not feel or hear your inner self, are signs that we should take into account if we want to overcome these stages in the best way.

Any change in behavior is a wakeup call. Everything that makes you feel weaker, reluctant, gone, alone, etc., is a sign, a sign that is trying to warn you that your mental health needs more attention and love for yourself. Do not neglect.

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