1. Ooh – yes please! This is absolutely my kind of meal – and I love how many veggies you’ve managed to sneak in there 🙂 I am a huge cheese fan – especially mature cheddar – and agree with all those cheese rules – particularly the one about the awkward bits that won’t grate – they definitely must be eaten straight away!! Chef’s perks, right? Eb x

  2. hijackedbytwins

    I loved the cheese rules! This pasta looks like a perfect meal for us, plus I love the hidden veg! Thank you for sharing with #CookBlogShare x

  3. That looks amazing, I love all the hidden veg too! Cathedral city cheese is delicious, the stronger the better, and I love the cheese rules… I completely agree about the crispy bits x

    • Thank you so much – it is always a winner here and i always smile to myself when i know oe many different veg they are eating at the same time LOL. x

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