Burton The Make Up Artist! (#FlashbackFriday)

Burton and Jenson are very loud boys, and unless they are asleep or totally engrossed watching something on the television, I can always hear them! Therefore, it is true that whenever they are quiet (asides from those exceptions mentioned), it usually spells trouble!!! Infact always trouble of some sort!

When we loved at our old house, so I guess about 2 years ago now, I recall a time when I had left Burton and Jenson in our lounge while I popped into the kitchen possibly to make tea. It was not that I left the boys to their own devices at such a young age, but the kitchen, dining area and lounge was all open planned so I could see and hear them.

Or so I thought! Ha!

Literally only a few minutes had passed since I left them, when this cheeky monkey appeared from under the dining room table, thinking he was ever so clever with his ‘make up’ !!

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Boys will be boys !!!
At least they were water based, child friendly pens that washed off easily! It was hard not to laugh at him.

This post was brought to you as part of Flashback Friday mummy mishaps

Remember – a flashback can be from any time whether it be yesterday, last week, last month, last year or yesteryear! It can be a flashback of your own, your children, your partner or your friends.


  1. Haha, little monkeys aren’t they! Glad mine aren’t the only loud ones, Aaron’s always telling them to be more quiet as he can’t seem to block them out like I can!

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