If you have some brioche rolls that are a little stale, why not make them into an indulgent chocolate pudding. My Brioche, Oreo and Chocolate Pudding is such a quick and tasty pudding for all the family to enjoy.
I quite often have bread, rolls or even brioche that needs a little love after it has gone a little stale. rather than throw them away, why mot make them into a delicious family dessert. My Brioche, Oreo and Chocolate Pudding is so easy to make and uses store cupboard ingredients. If you do not have Oreo cookies, why not add banana slices or raspberries?
I found I had some brioche rolls that were getting a little dry so I decided to whip up a fast dessert which was made using whatever I had to hand in my kitchen.So I made a Brioche, Oero and Chocolate Pudding – my own take on a bread and butter pudding but I think much more yummy and possibly a little naughtier! It was very easy and very quick to make and you only need a few simple ingredients:
Oh my, it looks fantastic. Perfect for the non-diet 😉
OMG, OMG Surely posts like this are illegal!! xx
My 2 would bite your hand off for that. They love brioche! x
YUUMMM this looks amazing!!
Oh wow this looks so yummy, need to try this 🙂
This looks delicious! Definitely something to put on my puddings list!
thank you it is yummy x
thanks Tas and so easy too x
heehee send them round then x
hee hee x
oh yes perfectly fine for non diets 🙂 x
Oh my! This looks awesome! Will certainly be trying this one out.
Yuuummmy!! I still haven’t tried Oreos! x
Oh Jenny! OH! I’ve pinned this and when I get some more Oreos and brioches, I am so making this!
I don’t know is it a pudding or not but if I break my current diet it’s this recipe to blame 🙂
Croque Pasquier & Brioche Brunch Ideas
[…] apart from sometimes spreading jam on a plain brioche, or making my brioche chocolate pudding, I am not very adventerous with brioche probably because my boys and OH are happy to literally eat […]