Retro Kitchen Cleaning Tips

Whenever I pop to the supermarket to buy my household cleaning products I am always astounded by how many different products there are for this and for that. There are cleaning creams, powders, wipes and sprays and then there are products for the shower, the bath, the oven, the floor, the toilet, the tiles, – just anything and everything that can be cleaned in the house has its own specialist cleaning product !!

product. With so many different cleaning products for the kitchen, wouldn’t it be simpler to return to a time when things were simpler and fewer utensils and products were available and used?


photo source: google

I think we have all heard of handy tips and so-called old wives tales of how to keep your kitchen clean, either from a relative, friend or magazine (or maybe the internet these days!). I asked some blogger friends if they had any tips to share and here they are:

Newspaper that is a few days old is brilliant for cleaning glass. No smears!
My mum swears by vinegar & newspaper to clean her windows….can’t say I’ve tried it, mr muscle for me
Helen, The Crazy Kitchen

 Heating a bowl of vinegar in microwave then wipe clean.
Jenny Bath, Mum Of One

Vinegar and bicarbonate of soda is wonderful for cleaning limescale off taps.
Penny, Being Mrs C

 Bicarb, vinegar and lemon juice are the bees knees. Do most jobs. Bicarb down a stinky sink is particularly useful
Chris, Thinly Spread.

I used WD40 on anything greasy, like cooker hoods and tiled splashbacks – it cuts through grease like NOTHING else!
Jayne, Mums The Word

 Place a lemon in the microwave to neutralise smells
Ali, Kids Chaos

Give any stainless steel taps a rub over with half a lemon. Wipe over with a cloth soaked in warm water to get rid of the stickiness and the taps will come up shiny bright and limescale free. Then squeeze the lemon into a small bowl, add some water and heat it in the microwave for a few minutes. The microwave will be super easy to clean after that. 
Cass, Frugal Family

baby oil on stainless steel no smearing, no fingerprints!! 
Karen, Bizzy Mums Blog

vinegar and newspaper to clean windows!
Mary, Keynko

Deodorise your fridge. I do not like bad smells in my house, and my fridge is often the culprit. Here’s the solution, put an open container of bicarb of soda in your fridge and the smells will disappear.. Replace it every 2/3 months to keep your fridge smelling fresh.
Ella, Purple Mum

Some great ideas there – thank you ladies!

What are your  handy hints or tips for making life easier when it comes to cleaning and which requires less bottles in your cupboard under your sink?

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