1. It’s so lovely to see such gorgeous summer colours as this miserable weather pays a brief visit (ever the optimist). I bet it was delicious!!
    Thank you for the tips throughout- will definitely be etching them on my mind.

  2. ooh Nanny’s pastry looks great – My Mum makes a great shortcrust crumbly pastry but if I try to make it that short it I can’t roll it!
    Your photos are looking great too Jenny – lovely & light x

  3. What a delicious combination for a fruit pie, I went for savoury this week and such great photos, love the light in them, I always have to add some in PicMonkey.

    thanks for hosting this is really inspiring me to get in the kitchen more AND blog about it

    • thanks Mari – it took me ages to photograph it! i am so chuffed that people are being inspired to get baking as a result of this linky and the TV show. its fab x

  4. Oh your a temptress in the kitchen look at that styling i think i can smell your pie from here what lovely summer flavours you have strange to think we were all boiling hot a week ago and now its cold and raining 🙁

  5. I love the combination of strawberries and apples for a pie – I’ve never tried it, but it sounds delightful. And a pastry crust that crumbles is definitely a good thing! Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful pie with Made with Love Mondays and welcome to the series! Please remember to add a link-back to the series page…

  6. I love that your Nanny says it’s A-OK for the pastry to crumble, I’ll be quoting your Nanny in future I’m sure! The pie looks and sounds delicious, and unusual to have apple end elderflower. Must give it a whirl when I’m next up for a pastry challenge.

  7. If I liked fruit pie then this would definitely appeal. Sadly I hate cooked fruit – I have to have enough custard or ice cream with each mouthful to totally disguise the fruit. (And I wonder where my kids get their fussiness from,,,)

    Love your decoration and the pastry sounds yummy!

  8. I’ve just added some more photos and the links at the bottom to my post and come back to read some more. But I can’t see mine on the linky? I added it just after 4pm. Can you see it from your end? Is it just my computer?

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