1. Tas D

    Ahhh I want to go Coombe Mill one day too. It looks so good! We love aqua doodle on our house 🙂

  2. Elaine Livingstone

    wow you have had a busy week havent you. love the self portrait and the rainbow. Its really nice when they get along like that.

  3. emsyjo

    I’m quite jealous of all this outdoor play, sounds strange but I feel stuck indoors at the moment as its too bloody hot!

  4. My fav has to be the stream photo.

    I love soft play centres when its quiet…then I can have a go on the slides too 😉

    My eldest loved aqua doodle. Must get Bee one when she is a little older!

  5. Burton is very good at riding a bike isn’t he? I like the fact that Jenson does drawings on his aquamat. H just likes to ‘paint’ the whole thing.

  6. stressymummy

    You have been busy this week missus! The stream photo is lovely but your youngest son makes me laugh as he has perfected a very cheesy photo smile! Any body would think you take a lot of photos of him?

  7. Blimey someone’s been busy this week. There’s so many cheeky faces on display.

    Very jealous that you got to go down to Coombe and see Fiona and TBaM

  8. Your trip to Coombe Mill for the day looked fab! Well done Burton on his bike riding abilities! I guess it’s like just getting in a new car and driving it; it just comes naturally once you know how. x

  9. Coombe Mill (Fiona)

    Yes you did have a very busy week and it was lovely to see you and the boys and have a fun day together.

  10. I’m so chuffed that you made it down to see us at Coombe Mill, I can’t believe that it was a fortnight ago already? And yet it seems months ago at the same time. Such a magical place. I love the photo of Burton looking up from the bridge (?).

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

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