1. caro_mad

    Aww your house is beautiful. I can see why you are moving with a tear in one eye and a smile in the other, but I’m sure you will make lots of lovely memories in your new home. I hope the move goes well and it won’t be too stressful x

  2. Awww such a moving post. The toy story bedroom is gorgeous. The whole house looks lovely. Good luck with the move. Just think of all the new memories you’ll make in your new home x

  3. Awww such a moving post. The toy story bedroom is gorgeous. The whole house looks lovely. Good luck with the move. Just think of all the new memories you’ll make in your new home x

  4. Notmyyearoff

    AAAAwwwww gosh what a lovely lovely post. Your house is bloody amazing!!!!!! (Did your OH do all that himself? Wow!). It will always be such a special place for you and the people that have bought it are so lucky to be getting such a beautiful home. We need to start thinking about moving too sometime soon but at the moment I can’t bear the thought of leaving those first memories of z and its mine and OHs first home together too. (I know, such a wimp!). I hope your move goes well and your next home is just as perfect :).

  5. Lauren_W

    This is such a lovely post Jenny, it will be wonderful to be able to look back at this when the boys are older and show them their first house.
    The house is beautiful, I’m especially envious of your amazing bathroom and I’ve always loved Burtons/Burton and Jensons bedroom.
    Sounds like you really have so many lovely memories there xxx

  6. fromfuntomum

    what a nice post to have and to show the boys one day!
    I can’t wait to see photos of your new home that I am sure you will fill with lots of new happy memories x

  7. I feel like a crap Mum looking at your boys’ gorgeous bedroom. We moved in when I was 8 1/2 mths pregnant and I’m the one who does the DIY etc. Our boys’ have plain white walls. the odd wall decal and pink shelves left from previous owners. Not exactly th elittle haven I pictured before I had children. You have inspired me to pull my finger out in the spring and do something about it!
    I’m also very jealous of your nursing chair and wish we’d bought one especially when Spud was little as he used to feed all night during his first winter and a comfy chair would have been great.

    Good luck with the move xxx

  8. Domesstique

    Yay! I miss reading your blog and it’s nice to be back seeing a very nice room of your boys…I am very jealous though and same as Kate, I feel like a crap mum, too thinking our place is a chaos at the moment.

    I miss flashback Friday, post…hmmm…thinking ***

    Sending you loads of sunshine from Thailand.
    All the best,

  9. Your house looks lovely, so I’m sure you have chosen an equally lovely one to move to. Moving house is hard, particularly when your babies have grown their, but you will create lots of fab new memories in your new house I’m sure.

  10. This makes me think of our move last year. We’d spent many years redoing our last house till we had it pretty much as we wanted it. I still miss my big oversize bath and beautiful bathroom and don’t even get me started on the kitchen. It’s telling that the room that I spend the most waking time in is the only one in house that we’ve done ourselves so far. I’ve no regrets about the move and eventually this house will be much better than the last one, but it’s going to take time, effort and money to get it there. Lacking the money at the moment to make much progress. Your house is lovely and I think it’s inevitable you will miss certain aspects of it. Is it always so neat and tidy though? I’m in aue.

    I think it’s great that you’ve taken some great photos of their old room so that they can remember it (or even just see where they spent their early years if they can’t remember that time).

  11. Jennypaulin

    Our new home will be better in the end I am sure. As you say it will take time and longer this second time around.
    And no, those photos were taken for the estate agent details! It’s never that tidy!! Xx

  12. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Ella . Our new home will be lovely because it is who you are with that counts isn’t it? Xx

  13. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Carolin, we will make some lovely memories in the new home, they will just be new and different x

  14. Jennypaulin

    Hello! Thanks for stopping by from the hot sunshine!
    My house isn’t – ooops I mean wasn’t – always that neat and tidy!! X

  15. Jennypaulin

    Oh no don’t feel crap! burton has magnolia until he was almost two nothing wrong with that! I would love to see what you decide to go with when you decorate their room!
    I was very lucky to have that nursing chair we sold it on once Jenson stopped breast feeding – such a shame as it was amazing x

  16. Jennypaulin

    Thank you Lauren I will enjoy telling them about it when they are older. It was a lovely house and not always like that of course, that was staged for the estate agent. Details!! Xx

  17. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Tas. It is fab although never like that as those were staged for the estate agent details. – we move all the clutter and toys from room to room as the photos were taken., but my OH did most the wok himself with his dad x

  18. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Laura. Thanks it’s almost done now jus a bit more cleaning to do in the morning then goodbye old house x

  19. emsyjo

    I love the fact you have written a post about this and included so many lovely photos, as it will be lovely for them to read when they are older as you say they won’t remember it like you will.

  20. I have been inspired by Kirstie Allsop and my sister has promised to help out in the Spring. Trying to think of a theme which will grow with the boys x

  21. familyfourfun

    Wow! You’re moving even closer to Xmas than I did – hope it all goes well. It’s such a lovely space and I’m sure you’ll create them an even better one in no time 😉 xxx

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