1. Lauren_W

    You look so beautiful in those photos. Burton is so cute and squishy.
    The top one is my favourite. Burtons expression is so funny and you look absolutely stunning.
    I also love the second one down on the left and the middle photo, simply because of how he is looking at you.

  2. You look gorgeous in these! I know exactly what you mean, I kept thinking I’ll wait a bit till I looked a bit healthier but then the time never came and we now don’t have any professional pics at all. They’re just what we’ve snapped on our camera or iPhones!

  3. Such gorgeous photos, I love the one were he is looking at you! Beautiful! I was the same, hiding away from the camera but I do have a few that I treasure. xx

  4. emsyjo

    Yep, I did the same with Leo, hardly any photos of me and him,not a single one from the hospital. I keep meaning to put something nice on an get some of Louka & me! 10 days until Aaron is off and then we are going to get some family shots 🙂

    Lovely photos, by the way!

  5. Susan Mann

    Oh I fully understand and I am exactly the same. Hardly any of me and the boys. You do look gorgeous in these photos you really do. x

  6. It is funny because I think you look absolutely lovely, you have a mummy glow about you that you just can’t beat. I am exactly the same though, even now I still hate photos of myself so I prefer to hide behind the camera- I am just not photogenic at all. I have hardly any of me and Mads in the early days, apart from crappy snapshots where I look hideous! xx

  7. I think you look lovely in these photo. As Kate says, you have that mummy glow. I love the way Burton is looking at you in the middle photo. Says it all really! I also regret not having more of me and the kids. It’s always daddy and the kids or someone else and the kids or just the kids. Trying to change that though! x

  8. They are beautiful photographs, really loving and honest. Burton looks adorable in them and you look gorgeous. I wish I’d had more photographs taken of me and The Boy when he was younger, and indeed now. I’ve asked hubby but he’s a bit of a pain in the bum about remembering.

  9. familyfourfun

    Agree absolutely – I have been hiding from cameras for years (due to bad skin) I wish I didn’t care because there are so few shots of me with my children now 🙁 x

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