1. Lucy at Dear Beautiful Boy

    Sounds like a lovely week. And it definitely feels like Spring with all that time spent play outside. x

  2. I love that you made 2 cakes this week. I only made one 🙁 Hope Jenson is feeling better after his sickness at the pool! Too much pool water? Poor lamb! Looks like you had a lovely week 🙂

  3. Lots of outdoor fun there, hope it left them happily tired and sleeping well for you too! I loved your family pictures too. Looks like a happy week all round. Thank you for linking to Country Kids

  4. fromfuntomum

    WOW, what an amazing week you had! your mum and gran look still so young, the boys are very lucky to have them all around, even if it is every 3 months or so. Let’s hope the sun stays out for us so we can all have another sunny week and some more park action!


    Wow what a busy week, always lovely to spend time with the family.
    Yikes to the swimming, you are braver than me I still wont take mine swimming.
    Good end to the week though, beautiful pictures x

  6. Michelle mummyratesit.co.uk

    I was reading your post thinking ‘oh this all sounds like a going along lovely’ type of week and then got the swimming pool changing room. How typical that everything happens at once. One crying, you’ve got tights and then all followed by vomit. You deserve an award. When things like that happen it can go either way – you either get on with it or flop down on the floor and have a weep. Well done you because it sounded like you just breezed through it. x 

  7. What a fun filled week. Loving the cake and candles. The boys would blow out cake candles every day. It’s the small things. Hugs xx

  8. What a fun filled week and congrats on being a good read- I loved that post.  Bless Burton helping blow out the candles four times.  And I am so glad nursery is getting slightly easier each time. xx

  9. Jennypaulin

    i am glad i sounded like it was a breeze because inside I was thinking sh*t!!! i just felt sorry for Jenson not having many clothes to wear home! x

  10. Jennypaulin

    thank you – i don’t take them on my own i hasten to add their daddy comes too and sees to Burton in the mens changing rooms! x

  11. What a brilliant busy week!! Your mum looks so young!! And her cake looks really yummy, I could probably dive into that frosting. Glad B is settling down a bit easier now, gives all us terrified mums hope for when it’s nursery time!

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