So my blog is 1 year old today! Happy Birthday little blog of mine.
A year ago I didn’t really know much about blogging. I kind of stumbled upon it by accident really. I was fed up with Facebook, some people I thought were my friends had been really off with me and seemed to not care anymore, and things weren’t great with my home life either. Yes I had a gorgeous baby boy who made me more happy than anyone or anything else, but my relationship with his Daddy, the OH, was strained and being at home all day was sometimes a little lonely.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved being a SAHM and it was what I wanted, but some weeks asides from my Mum, OH or his mum I didn’t see any other adults who I could really chat and have a giggle with.
So I joined twitter last January and to begin with I hardly tweeted anything, because I didn’t really ‘get it’ to start with and wasn’t sure what I was meant to tweet lol! Therefore, I mostly followed the tweets of celebrities rather than non celebrities! Then a couple of months later I realised that I should be looking to follow and tweet with like minded people, and this led me to find some mummy tweeters. Upon following and being followed back by a small number of these mummies, I noticed that almost all of them had a blog which I read with interest, as I was completely oblivious to the blogging community! Being a SAHM I thought that I might like to start a blog where I could write down my thoughts and record tales of my baby boy.
So I googled ‘blog’ and found blogger and couldn’t believe creating a blog could be free and so easy and quick to do! Thus,on Tuesday 27th April, 2011 Mummy Mishaps was born. My first post was about how I was feeling after leaving Burton to spend a few hours with his grandma – his first time without me since he had been born 9 months earlier! I did not like it at all! Funny how a year later Burton has spent lots of hours away from me now, and I have quite enjoyed that free time!!
As with all new blogs it took a long time to build up followers and to get comments and page views and to know how to advertise my posts on twitter. However, thanks to The Gallery my blogging and tweeting world was opened up to me and I started to ‘meet’ some wonderful people who have been so lovely and have been great company. My blog now has 116 followers which is just amazing so a big thank you to those of you who make up that number! The parent blogging community has just been brilliant and so supportive and helpful via twitter and blogging – I am so glad I discovered these social platforms.
I still need to show more of ‘me’ on my blog and write about subjects that affect me, and have the confidence to post the pieces I write, and not just save them never to be featured on my blog. Hopefully going forward I will rectify this. My posts to date have mostly been about my Burton and one day when he is older, I will be able to show him how he changed my life for the better, and how proud I am to be his mummy.
A year on and I now have a new baby boy to enjoy and blog about, and be equally as gushing and proud of! My little family has grown in the last 12 months and I look forward to sharing our new adventures with my blog 🙂
Here’s to the next 12 months of blogging.
Thank you xx
What a lovely post and really interesting for a newbie like myself. Happy Blogaversary!
That is such a lovely post!
Happy blogaversary!
Kimberly Palmer
so proud of you my beautiful Jenny, happy blogaversary! Lovely picture of the 4 of you at the end. Congratulations, see you soon, much love, Kxxx
Herding Cats
Happy Blogoversary! Im very glad that you styarted your blog and I was able to stumble upon it. I really enjoy reading your posts.
Oh thank you – what a lovely thing to say 🙂
Kath Parklover
Congratulations on your blogaversary! And I would say, post whatever you feel like. Don’t feel that you have to “show” more of yourself if you don’t feel comfortable with it x