I have been tagged by the lovely Carolin from MummyAlarm to list 7 secrets about myself. So here goes:
1). I cannot play any musical instrument.
I wish I could though as I think it is a wonderful
talent to have.
2). I am a clumsy person (hence my blog name) and am always walking into things and tripping up.
One day when I was a student, I was walking in to the local supermarket when I somehow tripped and did a superman along the floor and travelled along it underneath those flappy things that used to hang down to stop people going through, as there was a turnstile you were meant to walk through. I got up as fast as I could, whilst trying to look like it hadn’t hurt, and everyone from staff to customers clapped and cheered! Sooooooo embarrassing!
3). I have never had a filling,
despite having a sweet tooth!
4). I still bite my nails which is
shameful at my age, I know!
When I gave up work and had Burton I managed to stop myself for a couple of months, but then I had stress and money worries through the business I owned at the time and I started up again and haven’t managed to stop it. I must though because I hate the way my nails look.
5). I joined the army cadets while I was at school, mainly because a couple of my friends were already members so I thought I would join too.
However, I only stuck it out for about 6 weeks after one night we had to crawl along the school playing field in the rain and mud. I decided then that this hobby was not for me and stopped going!
6). My favourite flavour of yoghurt is
black cherry
7). I once appeared on the Lily Allen show
and had to reveal a saucy story.
I have never told my family about this, but of all
the people who saw this episode (which went out on BBC 3) one if them just happened to be my OH’s gran! It was so embarrassing as I felt I had to apologise, to which she just said “we will never mention this again”. LOL
I am meant to now pass this onto other bloggers, but most people I know have been tagged! So if anyone reading this would like to take it on, please do xx
Thank you xx
LOL at you doing your Superman thing!