1. I love toy train sets – they looks so much fun. Our local toy shop has a track set up with trains moving around a toy town. It’s been there sooo many years – I half remember it from when I was small. We love just watching it.
    Your boys look to be having a great time playing here – it reaIly looks like your youngest is actually saying “chew-chew-chew” as he pushes the train along the track – great image.
    I’ve seen the Asda wooden toy sets and they look great fun.
    Angela x

  2. That set looks so great, and seems really reasonably priced. It looks as though those are the tracks that basically fit together with other sets like Brio, etc., which is also very handy. Though space is a bit of a factor in our little terrace, especially with Number Two on the way. Have to keep the pushchair in the car! 🙂

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