Help your children overcome their fear of the dentist

Taking your children to the dentist is essential to ensure their teeth remain healthy and to promote excellent oral health habits. However, for a child, going to the dentist can be an extremely daunting experience as lying on a chair in an unfamiliar room with a stranger can be scary.

In order to help your child feel calmer about visiting the dentist – whether your visiting your local Hampshire dentist or an orthodontist – here are a few tips you can follow.

Start them young

The earlier you begin taking your child to the dentist, the better as this will get them used to going from a very early age. The best time to take your child to their first appointment is when their first tooth comes through (around one year old).

Explain it simply

When you are preparing your child for their first visit to the dentist, keep it simple and try not to divulge too many details as this will raise more questions and increase their anxiety. Most dentists also give a sticker to children after their appointment so focus on this or give your own reward.

Role play

Many parents find it useful to role play a pretend visit to the dentist with their children as this prepares them for what is expected of them. All this will involve is a toothbrush and you pretending to count their teeth. Be careful not to make any drilling noises or use other instruments as these may not be used and will scare them unnecessarily. Picture books with this event in it can also be beneficial in enhancing your child’s understanding of the dentist.

Don’t take them with you

Many parents take their children with them to their own dentist appointments but this isn’t always the best option. Parents themselves tend to feel anxious or nervous when visiting a dentist and this can be relayed onto the child. Also, paediatric dentists are a lot friendlier and deal with events in a different way to your own dentist.

Prepare yourself

It is a given that when your child is in the dentist’s chair they will begin to fuss. You may be asked to stand away from them or to simply hold their hand but ensure they do not pick up any dental instruments as this can be dangerous for all involved.

Emphasise good oral hygiene

It is important to teach your child the importance of seeing a dentist and that it is a necessary part of life. A good way of explaining this is to tell children that the dentist will look after their teeth to ensure they can eat all the things they like and have a beautiful smile for many years to come.

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