1. Thank you so much for sharing this, lovely pictures and very informative info. I’ve been researching fish tanks as I want to get one for my daughter and I am certain that the Terra peppy pig aquarium is what I’m going to get!

  2. Hi my daughter loves peppa pig, so I got her the fish tank just two months later the fish tank water coming out from the back of the tank now I have to find a new home for the fish. Other than that it’s a get overall tank!

  3. Tom

    I appreciate the importance of teaching children how to responsibly care for animals but Goldfish are NOT suitable pets for children and this tank is nowhere near big enough for one, let alone 2 goldfish. Your intentions are clearly good but it’s a common misconception that Goldfish are ideal pets and easy to look after for beginners. With any pet-keeping the welfare of the animal should ALWAYS come first, and keeping Goldfish in a tank of this size is cruel and will cause them a slow and painful death. In the correct conditions Goldfish can actually live for 15-25 years so it speaks volumes that some of yours have died after only 2. Single tail goldfish need 210 liters PER FISH because the “common fairground goldfish” are BABIES. I cannot stress this enough, single tail goldfish are huge fish and grow to an average of 1-2.5 FEET in length. They also need extremely strong filtration (most commonly recommended is filtration for a tank 10 times the size as the tank your goldfish is in). Most Goldfish that live in bowls either die from stunted growth, bad water quality or ammonia poisoning (they can produce enough ammonia in a couple of hours for the water to be toxic to them, which is why they don’t live long) Moral: just because something says it’s suitable for something on the box, doesn’t mean it is. Companies are out to make money, not give animals the quality of life they deserve.

    • Jools B

      What fish would you have in this aquarium then? I’ve just bought this one and want to be a nice aquarist (is that even a word?). I asked at my local pet shop and they suggested (amongst others) danios, white cloud minnows and bloodfin tetras and keep between 8 to 10 fish in total. Is this right, or should I go back and hold him under water in one of his own (unused!) tanks for being cruel? Many thanks to anyone who can help this toddler’s Mummy also be a good fish-keeper.

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