1. sabrina montagnoli

    We love our park trips! Watching my wee man climb will always make me nervous!

  2. Notmyyearoff

    Your park looks a lot like ours, I have to spin Z around on that big tyre swing thing all the time, he loves it! 🙂

  3. Nichola Fabfortymum

    What a great park. I’m toying with getting our youngest a balance bike too. I’m impressed with Burtons climbing skills, that’s quite a climb. The videos are brilliant, the zip wire looks fab and Burton can handle it like a pro, he holds on so well, I think my girls would be off at the jolt at the end ha 🙂

  4. Coombe Mill (Fiona)

    Having your own garden space is just so handy, it then makes a trip to the park a treat. Loving the zip wire and watching your boys develop doing more and more adventurous things. Thank you for linking up on Country Kids

  5. Looks like a lot of fun! I love having a garden so I do tend to just let the kids play there, especially if it is a nice day and I know the park will be mobbed LOL But it’s nice to have a park nearby too incase we fancy a change of scenery! I’m sure Jenson will be flying around after his brother in no time. x

  6. Sara (@mumturnedmom)

    Love the videos! Back in Edinburgh we spent most of our time in the garden too, but here we are surrounded by great parks, so tend to head out more often 🙂 Burton climbed so high! Fantastic 🙂

  7. Sarah @apartyofseven

    wow i would love to have that sort of park near us! how lovely for the boys and you!!

  8. Lucy

    Awww, I do love your park pictures. Your little guys look like they are having the best adventure.
    I think I’ll be the same when we have a garden, I just know I’ll be lazier about going to the park when we have our own little piece of the great outdoors. x

  9. Jenson held on to that really well! We adore zip wires and if our garden was big enough then we would so have one. I had a go at Puxton’s Park last week but I don’t have the physical strength to pull myself up again afterwards, I end up dropping off onto my bum!

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