1. Nichola Fabfortymum

    What fabulous pictures, The Dandelion blowing ones are so cute. It really is just so much fun being outside doing all those simple things, like playing with mud, it is so satisfying 🙂 Here’s hoping summer might finally arrive and stay a while

  2. Wonderful activities, the boys look like they are loving the paddling pool. I remember when mine were this age pouring warm water and bubble bath in at the end of a day and calling it an outdoor bath, a great 2 in 1 and they loved it. *Happy Memories* I have a great recipe with wild garlic coming up on the blog next week, I’ll make sure I flag it up for you. Looks like your woods are full of it! Thanks for linking up a delightful post.

  3. Sian Summers

    Brilliant – such good boy fun 🙂 We went wandering and had sticks / magic wands the other week. I love it when the weather is nice and you can stay out for hours playing in the mud and climbing trees! All these pictures of bluebell woods – I have to make that my next outdoor adventure! Hope you have a lovely day 🙂

  4. Liz Burton

    What a gorgeous week!

    Have you tried the Wild Garlic? We have some near us and I pick loads. There’s some recipes on my blog if you’re interested. It’s delicious and I’ll be sad when it all goes over.

  5. Ahhhh, the photos of your little boys dressed in blue, sitting in the bluebells is so cute. Love it. We’ve discovered dandilions too this year, and he can spend hours playing with them. So cute to watch. x

  6. sabrina montagnoli

    Brilliant. I think we might have to come and visit. I think our boys would get a long. Especially the first outings were like dejavu! Gorgeous photos.

  7. Hayley

    So much fun, look how happy they are to be in the paddling pool even if it was cold! I really wish the weather would sort itself out and decide what it’s doing but at least you have still had plenty of outdoor fun! Lucas has just discovered dandelion clocks mostly just spits on them! I love the photos of your boys with them xx

  8. Susanne Remic

    What absolutely beautiful photos! The weather really has been odd, but like you we’ve not let it stop us being outside. Don’t pack those jumpers away just yet though!

  9. Mummyconstant

    I love bluebell photos. They are amazing. You look like you had lots of fun… 🙂 x

  10. Love it, you packed a lot in too! I think my fav is them sitting among the bluebells. Thanks for linking up & all your support. xx

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