1. Nichola Fabfortymum

    These are the type of holidays that we will be taking now too and to be honest it’s a bit of a shock to my system to even think holiday park, but reality is that the pre children holidays are out. This actually looks great and judging by the expressions on your boys faces they loved it. It good to read your personal thoughts about it rather than just what a brochure says. Your photos are brilliant too x

  2. emsyjo

    It amazes me how so many people are ‘anti Butlins’ when it’s clearly so cool! Leo would love it, and me of course! Fab review, and I really love the video, especially Burton peeking and running away in the restaurant!

  3. looks like you had an amazing time & Burton particularly enjoyed it. I’m guessing Jon was a little frustrated that all the vehicles he tried didn’t go fast enough for him!

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