1. Glitzy Gleam

    the bird cakes look fab, we might have to give this ago…they look like they are having a great time in the muddy puddles xx

  2. Lauren_W

    I love that you go out even if it is chucking it down. I’m such a wimp.
    The bird ball is a brilliant idea to get the boys involved in. x

  3. coombemill

    That last photo is gorgeous! I am so taken with your 20 minutes a day and the boys look delighted with their adventures and not at all bothered by all the rain and puddles. A delight to see, thank you for linking up.

  4. Lovely pics Jenny, as always. Your posts always make me realise how much I miss the preschool days and getting out with the kids on a daily basis. Enjoy it!! x x

  5. Kirsty Hornblow

    I am so distracted by your little one’s Gruffalo hat. It is fantastic. My little one would love that! Popping over from Country Kids x

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