1. What a great goal for the year and well done for getting out there. I always feel so much better when I get out. Cute pics

  2. Jenny I just love your 20 minutes a day and what gorgeous photos from your week. It looks very special to me for those lucky boys of yours and snow to finish it all too! Thank you for linking up.

  3. A lovely variety of outdoor pictures. The climbing looks like great fun! We keep popping out for 30 min intervals as although the snow is nice to play in the wind is soooo cold x

  4. Lauren_W

    Looks like you’ve had some fun days out! Burton is so confident and brave.

    I love Jensons all in one xx

  5. Looks like you had a nice time in the snow, we had a lot more here, but were the same as you, Mads couldn’t stay out in it for more than half an hour. x

  6. It is so important to get children outside, especially boys. There is always a noticeable difference in my little one if he has been cooped up all day. Great to see you enjoying the snow too. I just popped over from the Country Kids linky x

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