1. Oh such gorgeous photos. It is nice to have some time with them individually as much as you want to have time all together. A has loved the Autumn this year and has developed a particularly good leaf dance!

  2. They are really gorgeous photos. He looks like he’s having so much fun and his coat is so cute. I love nothing more than going for a walk with z. He usually darts off in a shot but the park is perfect for us.

  3. Lovely Jenny and I bet it is lovely having some time with your baby- I think I will want this when our new little one is born- just as I will want some time with Mads on my own too. x

  4. Emma Garratt

    Such a gorgeous little dude. I really enjoyed my 1-2-1 time with Jamster when Minxy was at nursery too. Lots of lovely pictures 🙂 x

    The Mini Mes and Me

  5. He’s such a little man now, completely and utterly gorgeous. These are beautiful photos of Jenson and mummy time, good work on making the effort to spend time with just him because I can imagine that it would be really easy to use the time to do things around the house? Also, so glad I passed that hat onto you because he looks gorgeous in it!

    Popping over from The Gallery.

  6. Lovely photos. Jenson looks so grown up! You really do appreciate the time you have with your second child as you don’t get as much as you did with your first before they came along. Looks like you do lots of fun things too! x

  7. Lou @ SunnySide

    Great set of photographs. I love how kids always love the fallen leaves – even when they get big they can’t help themselves…Even when they are as big as me they can’t help themselves

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