1. Lovely photos Jenny and I too love getting our paddling pool out- so much fun! Lets hope we have some more days of being able to use it as it already looks like the weather is going bad. 🙁

  2. emsyjo

    Got to love paddling pools, Leo is using his a lot this year but I was always worried about it before as we only have a tiled balcony to put it on and the floor gets so slippery. Unlike Burton though Leo would probably be a bit of a wimp if the water was cold!

  3. Multiples Mom

    I love how you show the differences from year to year. It seems that the pool has always been great. Please stop by and link this post to Artsy Play Wednesday on Capri + 3. It is open now (or, if you miss it a new one opens on Wednesday.) I hope to see you there.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  4. Lovely pictures. We have had some amazing times with the pool and quite a collection with slides and water squirters too x

  5. Love the collages, they are brilliant (picmonkey?). That bottom right photo of Burton is brilliant, love the look on his face. I can’t quite believe he’s so confident to lie there with his face in the water!

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