1. emsyjo

    Great photos, I’ve often looked at pic of Burton on the swings and thought how much he seems to like it, Leo hates swings! He likes slides but is really not a daredevil child at all (like his Mother was!) I have wondered if the next one will be different though as like you say they will try and copy big brother!

  2. mum2babyinsomniac

    Ahhh I love those photos of mini Burton! I have never seen him that small – so cute! xx

  3. Lauren_W

    I love this so much! Charles and Burton would have a blast if they went to the park together. Charles is the same on a slide and told me off yesterday because I didn’t push him high enough on a swing.
    I’m yet to let Harry go down a slide by himself….he walks up them instead.
    I love the April 2012 photo of Burton xx

  4. Love the baby photos of Burton! I have to say Harry is a real daredevil when we go to the park, he simply follows his much older siblings & does everything they do!!!!

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