1. Lucy at Dear Beautiful Boy

    I was going to use a close up of my little guys feet for my picture too, but then got a different one yesterday that I liked. Baby feet are just so gorgeous, aren’t they? So plump and perfect and lovely. X

  2. Notmyyearoff

    Awww they are so gorgeous, you are spot on.  Baby feet are the best.  Mine are so ugly, they need a weekend in a spa all on their own I think!

  3. sabrina montagnoli

    Feet are the best! I always want to eat my wee man’s up! His are a bit ticklish as well and I love making him giggle!

  4. stressymummy

    That is sooo cute! I have a real phobia about feet, particularly adult feel, I can’t bear them! Why can’t our feet stay all lovely like that?

  5. 1978rebecca

    Gorgeous photo. I have a photo of the twins feet. I should have done that as well. Dammit!

    My entry this week is also for that meme you tagged me in forever ago, the one with children’s photos. It has taken me 3 months to do it or maybe more. How organised am I?!

  6. Baby feet are the best.  I am OBSESSED with Elliot’s feet.  I was obsessed with Ruby’s, too.  But now they are just like normal kid’s feet I am not so fussed.  

    I realise I sound weird now.

    I am not.  Promise. 

  7. Whatlunchbreak

    Lovely shot.  Isn’t it funny how baby’s skin is wrinkly like old people’s?

  8. I love my children’s feet. In fact my husband has asked me at what point they will stop being cute to me, because I even find my five year olds adorable.

  9. Ooh, I’d be mortified if there was ever a photo of my foot…used to be OK, now since being a Mum, cracked & knackered looking with such dry skin, they seems to pick up fibres from the carpet like a strip of velcro…..but children’s feet, gorgeous!

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