I think if Burton was telling you his top tips for going from using nappies to using the potty they would go something like this
When the need to wee occurs cross legs and declare “wee mummy” and hobble over to the potty whilst holding your crotch
Remove pants and trousers and socks – they just get in the way
Sit on potty making sure willy is in – if in doubt push willy down with fingers BUT take care not to get fingers wet with wee
When you have finished, tell mummy and insist on showing her what you have done at least once!
Put pants back on taking care to make sure label is at the back, although sometimes the label is at the side and this gets confusing and results in a “willy is out mummy” situation! Which then results in much laughter from mummy and Burton!
When the need to poo occurs announce to mummy “poo mummy” and then quickly dash over to the potty and remove all items of clothing again on his bottom half
Sit on potty ensuring willy is in again – just in case it’s a “poo wee mummy” moment!
Once the deposit is in the potty sit back as far as you can to look at what you have just deposited.
Have a good jiggle on potty seat so that there is bound to be ‘leftovers’ on the seat where bottom needed wiping!! Also occurs from moving back to examine what has just been deposited from the in between your legs view!!
Tell mummy that you have done a “poo” or “poo wee mummy” and again makes sure she sees it and in some cases carry the potty over to show her! If other people are around show them too!!
Get up and walk around until mummy catches you and says its time to wipe your bottom and then say “no mummy” and sit back down again!
Whenever mummy asks you if you are finished so she can wipe your bottom keep telling her “no mummy”
Sometimes you may decide to start putting your pants back on before mummy has had chance to check that you have finished and wipe your bottom!
Once bottom has been cleaned run around the living room pant less and away from mummy with a naked bottom being sat on the sofa!! Followed by much laughter from him and not so much by mummy!
These top toddler toilet training tips are brought to you by Burton and mummy!
Care to share any of yours?
Thank you xx
Haha! Sounds good to me!
I love the idea of a poo, wee moment!Â
i’d love you to link on Friday funny if you like? You don’t have to add the badge or anything. xx
I will do so this Friday and I ahbe corrected all th formatting errors and typos – blogger app is really peeing me off now keeps crashing or not saving my corrections!!
Thanks for making sense of it xx
Lauren "Real Housewife"
Once the poo his finished, stand up and proudly inspect the product (with eyes only) and decide what the poo most resembles.
Rainbow poo.
Snake poo.
Banana poo.
Dinosaur poo.
Rabbit poo.
Carrot poo.
Snail poo (these are bad when said pooer is scared of snails and means the potty must be emptied quicker than ever!)
Susan Mann
Stickers and chocolate buttons worked wonders 🙂
Haha I never thought of the wee poos at once. And yes I can see how socks MUST be removed too :). I laughed my head off reading this. But part of me is dreading this in years to come!
In order to make it easier for mummy to wipe your bottom, you must bend over attempting a handstand but without lifting your legs off the floor. Then shake your bottom in mummy’s face and declare “I can’t see Baby Jake anymore mummy!”
Chuckled with laughter reading these.