1. emsyjo

    Well done!…. to you both 🙂   Glad it went well, can you send Burton over to have a word with Leo please!   

  2. Gillian Moloney

    Well done 🙂 Potty training is something every parent dreads because alot of children struggle but not your boy 🙂 keep up the praise, yer doing great xx

  3. Yay, well done Burton! He’s doing so well! 🙂  I must admit that the thought of potty training fills me with dread and I’ve got a good couple of years before I should even be thinking about it!  x

  4. Ella

    Well done with the potty training, I built it up to be this massive ordeal also then was pleasantly surprised when both mine potty trained with relatively little stress.

  5. Jennypaulin

    I did the same thing Ella, but it has been soooo much better (up til now anyway) then I had thought it would be! So pleased with him. I guess he was ready xx

  6. Jennypaulin

    Thank you! I was dreading it but it has been fine really and he has taken to it so well xx

  7. Jennypaulin

    Thank you Gillian. I was so worried before I started and dreading it but it has been fine so far and he has picked it up so well. X

  8. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Em – I feel lucky that he has ‘got’ it and been so good at it. If I send Burton then I would have to come too of corse 🙂 xx

  9. It sounds like he’s doing amazingly well, good boy! I really do think that waiting sometimes is better than pushing them. He was obviously very ready to get to grips with it; good work mummy and Burton!

  10. emsyjo

    well of course, maybe we should find someone to sponsor him for expat toddler potty training lessons (or something!)

  11. Ahhh well done Burton! I am still dreading it though! I like poo to be contained in one place and not have the threat of it coming out and going everywhere! By the way those photos at the top are so cute, they were before but they are even more so now that I have met Burton in really life. Such a little cutie xx

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