1. What a cool post! It’s good to find out something you didn’t know about someone you read regularly – I can’t wait to hear about your cafe owning days !

  2. cafebebe

    Absolutely love it! I’d love to hear more about your cafe days! Well done you! Do you miss it?? Thanks for linking up such a positive Flashback Friday! 😉


  3. Jennypaulin

    I don’t miss it now I have my boys, as while I was pregnant and during first few months of having Burton before I sold it, it became a pain because I struggled to keep both going! It was brilliant though and a great experience and I loved creating my menus xx

  4. Jennypaulin

    Thank you but would you have been adventurous to have tried the banana, bacon & mango chutney panini? I have had some requests to write more cafe posts so I will soon x

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