1. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence, or so I find. I used to experience this with Amy when she was little, even though she was bigger than most kids her age she still got picked on. But you need to remember that the child has probably had no discipline at home and has no idea how to act in the company of other children. That’s the parents fault in my opinion. And where were the parents anyway?

    Yes, you’re right, Little shit, indeed. We had two at Amy’s first school and I kicked up such a fuss on more than a few occasions. It lost me friendships but looking back on it all now, I couldn’t give a toss, because really, my daughter doesn’t need friends like that.

    Take care – you’re not alone.
    CJ xx

  2. Oooooh, I do and it was at one of those indoor play areas too. I also learned to ask the big kids to leave the baby area or grass on them. 10 year olds belting around the under 5’s area is dangerous as far as I am concerned so I never had any difficulty saying so.

    Recently I had the same issue with my middle fella where a young child was shoving him around. After a few goes I really nicely told the Mum (who was sitting miles away having coffee) if should could just explain to her son about how it was upsetting HRH. To be fair, she took him away for a while and brought him back and understood that I wasn’t criticizing her or her child. Some people wouldn’t so I am quite careful about what I say:)

    It is a scary moment when you realise that you can’t always protect them, it never really goes away either as there are lots of those moments! Jen

  3. The little b*st*rd! And where was his mother? God, some children can be so vicious. I can picture the look on his face because it’s the look that was on The Boy’s face about a month ago now when a couple of female friends of his were physical with him. He’s never experienced pushing, pulling, biting, hitting, scratching or smacking before, and his little face was honestly shocked that anyone would want to hurt him. The very first time another child was mean to him was when a friend’s 3year old waited until his mother was out the room, bent over and nutted my 4 month old son on the nose. I almost killed the little ****** there and then!

    Please excuse my language Jenny, you can tell I get very incensed about this.

    Thanks for linking up to ShowOff ShowCase

  4. I agree with The Boy & Me – where was his mother? I can get pretty protective too, in fact maybe a little childish when I have great pleasure in telling a couple of girls in the street (with a smug grin on my face) that ‘No, Hanna isn’t playing out, she’s playing in the garden’….as they have only come round to call for her as they want to get their hands on my daughters friend, who she is playing lovely with in the garden, and leave my daughter out, as they usually do. I used to happily invite them all in until I noticed that the ‘others’ would entice my daughters friend away & not let my daughter join in.

    I never saw myself as one of those protective Mother’s but you just can’t help yourself when you see your child go from happy & laughing one minute to chin wobbling sad the next…

    That boy will get his comeuppance one day when Burton get’s some back-up from his little brother!!

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