1. Aaah, how cute! Love the little tiger and isnt the cart gorgeous! But nothing beats that adorable little face at the end! Perfect 🙂


  2. Will you look at his little face! How happy is he! Awwwww! The Tiger for tea is a really good one, I shall have to check out Slinky Malinki! Great photos 🙂

  3. I love it! Especially the Tiger who came to Tea! I’m stumped with what to do for this one so I think I’m just going to enjoy everyone else’s! L.x

  4. Awwww, great ideas and pictures I love reading my children stories too although the toddler’s favourite one at the moment isn’t a story book it’s about a building site…not my cup of tea! LOL. :0)

  5. I love that photo of you together. We know lots of Rapscillion cats too. They don’t steal stuff, just poop in our garden and wind my Dogs up!

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