Despite almost falling asleep before he had his bath, and being to put to bed at 7pm because he seemed so tired, tonight Burton just did not want to go to sleep!
Usually when he is put to bed we have the same routine whereby he has to kiss the four cuddly toys hanging off his mobile – sometimes repeating the kissing just to delay going into his cot for a few more seconds! Then I have to reach in to the cot to pick up Penguin (his favourite cuddly friend whose poor beak is always sodden!) and he puts his beak in his mouth with a muffled “aaaaaaah” and hugs him and then he lays down with the other toys that are in the cot. These are Disney’s Simba and Roo, Burton Bulldog, Ducky and Little Giraffe.
However, tonight he did not bother with the kissing of the mobile animals, as he went straight to Penguin. I figured this is because he napped at his grandmas earlier and had missed his friend. As soon as I walked out of his room I could hear the squeals of delight at being reunited with his cot friends, and he was babbling away to them for ages. Fifteen minutes later he was sat upright pointing at the three cuddly toys sat up on the shelf opposite his cot, waving and talking to them. Another quarter of an hour passed by and he was crying unable to sleep so I let him come and sit downstairs and play for a bit while ate my tea. I put him back to bed and he was pointing at the toys on the shelf again, but I just passed him Penguin and left him again. Then he started crying and screaming again!
Well, within twenty minutes he was sat upstairs with me on my bed watching the last half an hour of Toy Story 2 pointing and commenting in babble speak at the animated toys appearing on the screen. No signs of any yawns!! Film ended and he starts channel hopping and laughing – I am yawning but he is having a lovely time! Anyway, by 9.30pm I took him back to his cot and oh how he screamed while pointing to the toys on the shelf. So in order to keep him quiet, and hopefully send him off to sleep, I took those two Teddy Bears and Humphrey (the elephant) and placed them in his arms. Straight away he started ‘talking’ to them and within ten minutes he was fast asleep.
So when I popped back in his room to take out some of the toys this is what I found. Can you spot the baby amongst the menagerie that is the contents of Burton’s cot?
Thank you xx