1. Omg that looks soooo nice! I might try it this weekend, and if I do I’ll give you a shout! 😀 x

  2. Utterly obscene. Love it. If my four year-old son saw that he would just launch his face at it. Glorious stuff.
    Next week’s theme is going to be more general; MOREISH MAINS FOR DINNERTIME INSPIRATION

  3. Anton1a

    My 2 yr old would launch his face at it also- he would exclaim ‘Choclit’ (as he calls it), and dive in- but not before I got in there first. I have baking envy here as my cakes really never rise but I promise we will give this a try and if it looks half as good as yours does here, we shall deem it a success 🙂

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